Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two and Half

I LOVE you but two and a half is a little annoying. You are at the repeating stage. You are repeating things about a hundred times in a row, it doesn't matter what my response is, you continue to repeat whatever it is you want. It is always things you want. "I want to go on a walk", "I want this, I want that" I can say "no", or "not now" or "yes" it does not matter, you repeat and repeat! I know this is a stage and either you repeat as a learning/practicing tool for your own language development or maybe you know that if you ask enough times in a row you will wear me down and I will give in just to stop the insanity!

You are at a new school and doing very well. I like the people and you seem to be getting along very very well. Every day when I pick you up you tell me how much you like it. You tell me you like your teachers and playing on the playground and you are excited about the crafts you bring home. It make me feel good about the care and learning you are getting. I just wish that you could remember how much you like it each morning when I drop you off. It has been three weeks now and every day you cry when I leave but are so excited and happy about the day when I pick you up!

I love you and love watching you grow!

Love your

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 2011

Well, so much to tell.

You have started at a new school. You are doing very well there, you still cry when I drop you off which breaks my heart, but I feel very good about the attention and care you get there! When i pick you up you are very excited to show me the craft you did or tell me about something else that happened that day.

Things you love right now:
1. Tigger-That is a constant favorite!
2. Match-box cars - You gather all your cars up and put them in a box or bag and carry them around, take them out and play with them, then up them back in the box or bag and carry them around some more!
3. Flashlights- This is an on and off again obsession.
4. My silver bracket. It has different colored stones on it and you like to wrap it around you leg and name off the colors.
5. We found a small green light-saber like Star Wars. You like to pretend fight with it.
6. We found a small green ball with blue bumps on it and a grey Rocket. That for whatever reason you are very attached to.
7. Indra has a old broken purple leash that you drag around. When we go on walks I hold one dog leash and you hold your purple one...both are attached to the dog.
8. You love Indra. You always care where she is and tell me where you think she should be. "I want Indra inside" I want to take a walk with Indra" Indra has to come on our walks with us or you pitch a fit!
9. Your favorite food lately has been Kellogg's fruit crisps. Its a thin,, crunchy pop tart like fruit filled bar with a light sprinkling of icing on top. you will eat two packages of them for breakfast!

You are talking so well and say very funny and interesting things. You are smart and cleaver and I love hearing what is going through your head!
Yesterday when we left to go to school you said "Jesus, thank you for a car that starts" (it is something you have heard me say many times, but I love that you remembered it.)

We talk to Jesus every day and I hope that you are soaking in that He is very important to us and that your heart is growing in a desire to know him more! I am trying to show you what he means to me and praying that he will call you to believe in Him for yourself one day!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weekend Goodness

We had a GREAT weekend. Grandma and Grandpa came over and you got to play with them all day! They brought you a truckload of sand...I mean a truckload. We refilled your sandbox and the horseshoe pits and then the best part of the day...We got a 8ft diameter 2.5 ft deep pool!!! Its the size of a hot tub, but it is perfect for you to jump, play and learn to swim in. It is big enough for me and your Papa to get in with you!

It was a great start to the summer and I am so looking forward to it!

Most of all I felt so blessed as I looked out the kitchen window last night and watched you and Papa in the pool and saw the joy in your eyes and the pride in your Paps face as the two of you played and he taught you how to swim! I know teaching you stuff like sports or activities, swimming, riding a bike etc. are the things your Pap looks forward to the most about being your Dad!

We love you so much. Our life is simple, but we are abounding in the lavished love of our Heavenly Father.

Oh, I forgot. Two milestones. 1. You counted to four all by yourself without prompting. 2. You pointed out and correctly named all the letters on the shirt your Papa was wearing. Unsolicited learning! I think you are so very smart!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25th

I have almost missed a whole month!

We took you on your first camping trip at the end of April. We went with our community group from church. The evenings were still cool so it was perfect for sunggling under blankets and sitting by the camp fire. You did amazingly well! In fact we ahd onginally planned to only stay one night, because I was sure you would need to come home. But you loved it and asked if we could stay the second night! You took a (very very) long hike with us and looked for caterpillars at our camp site and ate marshmellow, hotdogs, and poptarts all weekend long!

You are talking in two or three sentences at a time and saying the cutest phrases, like "Thank you so much" and "Oh! I don't know where it is." They sound cuter when you say them!

Our garden is growing a lot and you eat fresh broccoli right off the stalk! In the evenings when we water it you love to be sprayed by the hose and run around all wet shreiking with delight when every Pap sprays you!

These days are full of fun and learning and are so very enjoyable!

Your Mama

Friday, April 15, 2011

It begins

Well we have entered the dreaded phase that little boys go through where things start getting stuck in their ears and noses!

Let the record show it started at age two, with a pea.

We were eating dinner one night and you stuck one of your peas up your nose and you could not get it out. You ran around the kitchen saying "help me help me".

I'm sure it will be the first of many! May they all be that easy for me to get out!

Love you crazy kid!

"A Burn"

The first of many I'm afraid.
I am sorry if it leaves a scar, but here is how it happened.

Papa was preparing the garden and of course you wanted to help. You helped him push the till from the garage to the garden--you are remarkably strong. Anyway, Pap tilled a few rows and then took a break to clean off the wheels. You, who still wanted to help touched the till and burned your hand!!You were just too fast to stop you! I am very sorry I know it really hurt! It immediately blistered up and we treated it gave you ice cream and a soothing cold pack and let you watch TV!

You were very brave!


New Favorites

You are on a flashlight kick. You want a flashlight at all times, in the car, house, yard, bed, I draw the line at tub!

You fall asleep in your big boy bed and when I come back to check on you, you have fallen asleep under your covers like a tent with your flashlight on.

The other day we bought you, I don't know what to call them, capsule animals? They are these sponge animals inside of dissolve-able capsules. When you put them in the tub they dissolve and the sponge animal is left.

You think they are so COOL! Once the animals are out of the capsule you identify them with the picture on the package and them carry them around for days until you loose them. It is a fun thing you and your Papa do at tub time.
